Summer break? Take a course!

Mark PetersenCapacity Building, Courses

Sitting on the deck this summer, the clouds are wafting past. Your mind wanders to how you can strengthen the impact of your work.

Stronger Philanthropy offers two self-paced courses for charities and major donors:

  • Maximize My Membership is a free mini-course to highlight the advantages of joining our Stronger Philanthropy Community. With over 220 members, our community keeps growing and provides unusual access to a network of engaged folks on the generosity journey together.
  • Design and Submit a Fantastic Grants Application is a paid 13-module course to walk you through the creation of a grant application for major donor families. Over 20 downloadable handouts and a sample grant application make this a resource to strengthen your connections to generous families.

Henrietta Lam, Director of Development, Divine Renovation, says: “Many of the Courses out there are offered by fundraisers or grant-seekers, but yours is unique because you offered insights from a major donor or a Foundation’s perspective. The templates were especially helpful! The Course is definitely a keeper and I’d recommend it to others in the field, including the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP).”
