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Are you on the journey of generosity? Purchase Mark Petersen's book, available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover editions: Love Giving Well: The Pilgrimage of Philanthropy

Walking Together With You

Mark and Nathan Petersen have been walking together for over 30 years, over mountaintops and through valleys, being transformed by the slow journey of generosity.

Mark Petersen is the founder and CEO of Stronger Philanthropy. After fifteen years leading his own family's foundation, he launched Stronger Philanthropy in 2016 to provide philanthropic management services for other Canadian foundations and major donors to facilitate their strategic and visionary generosity. He earned a BA (History) from University of Waterloo, an MDiv from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and a DLd from George Fox University in Portland OR where he focused research on navigating succession within family philanthropy. He is the author of Love Giving Well: The Pilgrimage of Philanthropy.

Nathan Petersen joined Stronger Philanthropy in 2019, and became a partner in 2023. He has a BA in International Studies from St Stephen's University in New Brunswick, and offers the perspective and earned wisdom from world travel and cultural engagement with grassroots communities in Colombia, Spain, Kenya, Philippines, Cambodia, China, and Nicaragua. His service as a member of the board of Redleaf Foundation for the past nine years has given him a front-row seat to family philanthropy. In 2024 he was named a NextGEN Fellow of Cardus, a prominent Canadian think tank, for their 2024-2025 cohort.
