Charities are on a challenging fundraising journey. If this is you, we advise you to research well. Review our clients’ priorities and understand their giving capacity to ensure there is alignment with one of our client’s interests. Determine the scope and scale of their potential support, and understand their general geographic focus. Smaller or local charities outside the communities in which our clients are focused are generally not of interest.

While there are thousands of excellent organizations seeking support, we’re searching for healthy charities that demonstrate deliverable impact and innovation, and, most importantly, align to our clients’ interests.

If you think that you represent such an organization, there are Five Steps:

    1. Introduce. Complete our Charity Survey. This only needs to be completed once per year. We’ll hold these results for the rest of the calendar year, and consider your organization’s potential for all of our clients.
    2. Interview. If your survey results point to a match with any of our clients’ priorities, we’ll contact you to book a complimentary Charity Interview. When we meet, we’ll learn about your organization, review the results from your survey, and discuss potential funding opportunities.
    3. Apply. We’ll shortlist available options with our clients, and discuss these with them. Upon their invitation, we’ll reach out to selected charities to request they complete a grant application.
    4. Launch. After our clients review grant applications, we’ll inform you of the results. The majority are usually accepted, and you’ll launch your project. If your application is not successful, we make ourselves available to provide feedback.
    5. Report. Charities that receive funding are invited to report back every six months until the project is complete.

Charities that wish to book a consultation with Stronger Philanthropy outside this workflow can do so after completing their Charity Survey by booking a Charity Consultation. If you book a consultation after completing the survey, we’ll provide you with a 2-page customized dashboard for your organization, and discuss it with you.

Our dashboard offers an overview of indicators we believe are most relevant for major donors before making granting decisions. As well, during the consultation we would be happy to discuss your general major donor strategy, brainstorm opportunities, and answer any specific questions you may have about our process.

Booking a 50-minute Charity Consultation is a valuable way to learn from the perspective of a major donor. We offer this service for a cost of $149 plus HST.

For more information, view our Frequently Asked Questions.